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The Super Mario Bros Movie


The Super Mario Bros Movie really was an awesome movie. I really liked all the references to the games. The music was just top notch incorperating music from the actual games inside the sound track. I loved how they used the original super show theme as the Mario Bros advertise meant. The cast I thought was quite good! I felt that Chris Pratt actually did a very good job as Mario! As someone who loves the NES Wrecking Crew (very good game) I loved that Foreman Spike was in it (though I wish we got a little more of him in the movie! I felt like it was a little short and the post credits scene was a little lackluster (I don't get why the decied to show yoshi when we already have seen yoshi). I wish we got more of the Mario Bros actually plumbing. I felt that there should have been more of earth in the movie (like maybe some lore about why the bros quit the Wrecking Crew.) Even with my slight issues I overall I enjoyed the movie!